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21-Day ‘Happy Back’ Challenge



For 15 minutes a day for 21 days, learn to relieve back pain, stabilize your core & unlock your shoulders.

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  • 21-Day ‘Happy Back’ Challenge

    For 15 minutes a day for 21 days, learn to relieve back pain, stabilize your core & unlock your shoulders. During the challenge, you’ll develop a very powerful 15-min daily spinal hygiene habit, you’ll learn the anatomy and physiology of a happy back, and you’ll lay the groundwork for selfcare. It’s fun, science-based, and practical.

    The benefits include:

    • Reduced Pain. Movement is medicine but you need to listen to your body’s pain signals, adjust, adapt and modify along the way. During this program, you’ll dramatically increase your proprioception (external awareness) and interoception (internal awareness).
    • Improved Posture. Laptop lifestyle has left many of us with hunched shoulders and a swooping lower back. In this challenge, we’ll free up stuck areas and use balancing practices to create alignment head-to-toe. Better posture = better movement patterns = happy back.
    • Renewed Joy for Sports. Most students tell me their best memories are outdoors: walking, hiking, cycling or swimming. For some people, it’s a yoga classes or a gym workout. Whatever your favorite activities are, when your spine is happy, it’s pure joy.
    • Strengthened Muscles. Did you know most people lose 1 lbs of muscle per year as they age? During this challenge, we’ll work to reverse that by developing deep core stabilizers for your spinal column and posterior chain.
    • Boosted Flexibility. You should be able to touch the floor in a forward bend, interlace your hands behind your back with straight arms, and twist a full 180-degrees at any time, day-or-night, without pain. Most of us have lost some of this basic range of motion, but the good news is that you can get it back.
    • Improved Quality of Life. I realized that health may not be the top priority for everyone, but when basic movements cause pain and discomfort, nothing is more important than correcting the problem. Once you make spinal hygiene part of your routine; your overall quality of life improves in everything from your attitude to your love life.


  • Very helpful for my lower back pains
    Roos Van Borrendam
    I have struggled with tight hips lower back for years. Following Lucas’ videos have helped tremendously! I enjoy especially the long hold stretches and the informational instruction. The way he trains the strength is also making it more acceptable, as I usually hate strength training. Lucas is very knowledgeable with the body. I really appreciate that he always has many options for all of the poses.
  • Lower Back Muscle spasms disappeared
    Barb T
    Within a couple of days of following the Yogabody stretching program, my back muscle spasms disappeared. Even with back pain, I was able to do the first level of stretches; I really appreciate that there are several levels to choose from.
  • Fantastic for lower back
    Lara Schultz
    I've only been using Yogabody for about a week and absolutely love it!
  • I signed up for the 21 day happy back…
    I signed up for the 21 day happy back challenge to see if it would help with the lower back problems I've had and it worked wonders. I then signed up to the science of stretching program and again it worked wonders. My back, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and shoulders have not been to his bendy for years. Lucas provides practical guidance and videos and I particularly like the fact that he clearly says to avoid pain!
  • Fabulous exercises.
    Balaji Srinivasan
    Fabulous exercises.. body feels so relaxed.. so many wide range of movement have opened up. Highly recommended!
  • 21 Day Happy Back back is happy!
    Kathy M
    I am a 63 year old woman and just finished the 21 day Happy Back Challenge. I was skeptical at first since this just popped up on Facebook and you never know about ads that show up. But I have been having a lot of unexplained lower back pain for a couple years now, and even my chiropractor hasn't been able to help. I get regular chiropractic adjustments and we tried acupuncture and even cupping, and I sometimes got relief for a day or two but then the pain and stiffness all would come back. I was so frustrated and tired of it, and since this challenge was affordable for me I decided to give it a try. I'm so happy I did. I took my time working through the challenge, repeating some of the exercises, and I have to say, it has helped my back so much, I feel like I am 85% better, pain is less, flexibility is getting better, I can get up off the floor now without pain and getting stuck like before. Overall I am so much better. Thank you so much! Lucas is a great instructor, easy to follow and very clear, and thank you for the modifications, which I had to use on many poses. I will go through this challenge again on my own, and then looking forward to signing up for the Hip Opener Challenge next, and then the Science of Stretching! This will be a daily routine for me now for the rest of my life and I look forward to continued improvement.
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  • Very helpful for my lower back pains
    Roos Van Borrendam
    I have struggled with tight hips lower back for years. Following Lucas’ videos have helped tremendously! I enjoy especially the long hold stretches and the informational instruction. The way he trains the strength is also making it more acceptable, as I usually hate strength training. Lucas is very knowledgeable with the body. I really appreciate that he always has many options for all of the poses.
  • Lower Back Muscle spasms disappeared
    Barb T
    Within a couple of days of following the Yogabody stretching program, my back muscle spasms disappeared. Even with back pain, I was able to do the first level of stretches; I really appreciate that there are several levels to choose from.
  • Fantastic for lower back
    Lara Schultz
    I've only been using Yogabody for about a week and absolutely love it!
  • I signed up for the 21 day happy back…
    I signed up for the 21 day happy back challenge to see if it would help with the lower back problems I've had and it worked wonders. I then signed up to the science of stretching program and again it worked wonders. My back, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and shoulders have not been to his bendy for years. Lucas provides practical guidance and videos and I particularly like the fact that he clearly says to avoid pain!
  • Fabulous exercises.
    Balaji Srinivasan
    Fabulous exercises.. body feels so relaxed.. so many wide range of movement have opened up. Highly recommended!
  • 21 Day Happy Back back is happy!
    Kathy M
    I am a 63 year old woman and just finished the 21 day Happy Back Challenge. I was skeptical at first since this just popped up on Facebook and you never know about ads that show up. But I have been having a lot of unexplained lower back pain for a couple years now, and even my chiropractor hasn't been able to help. I get regular chiropractic adjustments and we tried acupuncture and even cupping, and I sometimes got relief for a day or two but then the pain and stiffness all would come back. I was so frustrated and tired of it, and since this challenge was affordable for me I decided to give it a try. I'm so happy I did. I took my time working through the challenge, repeating some of the exercises, and I have to say, it has helped my back so much, I feel like I am 85% better, pain is less, flexibility is getting better, I can get up off the floor now without pain and getting stuck like before. Overall I am so much better. Thank you so much! Lucas is a great instructor, easy to follow and very clear, and thank you for the modifications, which I had to use on many poses. I will go through this challenge again on my own, and then looking forward to signing up for the Hip Opener Challenge next, and then the Science of Stretching! This will be a daily routine for me now for the rest of my life and I look forward to continued improvement.
  • In recent months I've been suffering a lot of lower back pain
    In recent months I've been suffering from a lot of lower back pain, especially at night while sleeping and first thing in the morning. The last 3 years of working from home and being less active probably not helping. After watching YouTube vids as well as various content served to me by the Social Media Algorithm engine something about the ads for YogaBody struck a cord, enough for me to signup and pay for the "science of stretching program." Even just a couple of days into the program I started to feel the benefits and a clear reduction in pain. Broken down into manageable 15 min chunks spread across the working week it's something that I am able to easily incorporate into my day and follow (at my own level of flexibility) and its clear now why my previous approaches to stretching had been less effective. Highly recommend this course.
  • Demonstrable difference to a broken down runner
    Michael Cook
    Clear videos which were easy to follow and demonstrable difference at end of 21 hip opening challenge both to my quality of life and to my running. Would highly recommend to all
  • It works and it's short!
    It works and it's short. The 15 minute (total) hip opening yoga poses are challenging but doable. I liked it so much I'm going to try the other programs.
  • 21-Day Hip Opening Challenge cured my lower back pain
    I bought the "21-Day Hip Opening Challenge" a while ago because I had chronic lower back pain, probably resulting from tight hips (from working in front of the computer every day for several hours).

    I already completed the course once and saw amazing results after a short time. The back pain vanished after about a week of training and didn't return so far. I also made significant progress in terms of flexiblity.

    Lucas is a good teacher who explains everything very well. The videos are enjoyable and I rarely miss a stretching session.

    I would highly recommend the course.
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